Salam bahagia buat seluruh warga Indonesia di Hamilton.
Saya diminta oleh salah seorang rekan dari Child Youth and Family (CYF) Waikato West untuk menyampaikan undangan seminar khusus untuk para ibu-ibu. Seminar ini akan membahas tentang (dalam bahsa Inggris):
- Identifying Domestic Violence (DV)
- the Effect of DV on Women and Children
- the Law - Domectic Violence Act and Protection Orders
- Protection and Prevention systems
- Resources in the community to provide information, advice, empowerment, support
- Support and emergency accomodation
Speakers of the above topics will be invited to speak an the above topics.
Date: Saturday 25 June 2005
Time: 9.30am-3.30pm
Venue: Hamilton Migrant Resource Centre
Baoundary Road, Hamilton
Cost: FREE to all women participants
Morning tea and ethnic vegetarian lunch are provided. An information pack will be supplied to all participants
For catering purposes, please contact any one of the following as soon as possible:
Sebagai tambahan seminar ini bekerja sama dengan Waikato Ethnic ouncil (WEC) dan SHAMA - Hamilton Ethnic Women Centre (HEWC)
Susunan acara sbb:
Registration...... .................. (09.30am-09.45am)
Opening................................ (09.45am-10.00am)
-Terry Quinn - CYF Waikato west manager
-M. Afiz - WEC president
- Elizabeth Mather - HEWC chirperson
Ruth Bush Associate professor- Identifying DV - The DV Act (10.00am-10.40am)
Morning tea........................... (10.40am-11.00am)
Dr Radha D'Zousa - Protection Orders................ (11.00am-11.30am)
Police/CYF............................ (11.30am-12.00noon)
Shakti - safe House and Support........ (12.00noon-12.30pm)
Women Refuge - Support for Women.......... (12.30pm-12.50pm)
An ethnic vegetarian lunch ............(12.50pm-01.45pm)
Shama - Hamilton Ethnic Women's Centre ......(01.45pm-02.00pm)
Disha - Tauranga Ethnic Women's Centre ........(02.00pm-02.15pm)
Pane: HAIP, Parentline ........(02.15pm-03.15pm)
Demikianlah undangan ini semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua.