One of the most interesting places at the Indonesia Miniature (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah) is the Purna Bhakti Pertiwi museum, for the museum stores the belongings of the former President of Indonesia, Soeharto. In the 20-hectare museum complex, you can find the Soeharto’s house.
The row on this house appeared after he resigned because it cost billions rupiah.
The museum collections are Soeharto’s speech, rifles used in the revolution era, military uniforms and KRI Harimau – the battle ship used in the military operation of Mandala and in the freedom of Irian Jaya in 1963.
The museum, constructed based on Mrs. Tien Soeharto’s idea - Soeharto’s wife, was officially inaugurated by President Soeharto on August 23,1993, exactly on his wife’s 70th birthday. The museum constructed on the 19,7 hectare land is 25.095 in width.
The interior design inside the museum, the rice-yellow-cone-shape (tumpengan) building, symbolizes the thankful, the safety and the immortality. And the two statues, the Panyembrama statues or the welcome statues, welcome the visitors who want to enter the museum. These statues, made by Dewa Made Windia, were granted by Mrs. Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana and were made of coins with 240 meter in height. Panyembrama is the Balinese dance which is usually performed to welcome the distinguished visitors.
The museum is the six-storied, and 45-meter-height main building with the golden flame on the top of the big cone. Other nine small cones surround the big cone.
The main room is among the four yellow tumpengan. And the front room is the Fighting (Perjuangan) room surrounded by the Special (Khusus) room, the Asthabrata room and the Library (Perpustakaan) room. The main room stores various souvenirs given by the Soeharto’s state visitors , friends and acquaintances, among of whom are the Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir Mohammad. They both presented the silver betel case.
The Dutch Prime Minister, Lubbers, presented a silver pigeon statue, the Mexican Prime Minister, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, gave the silver gourd-shape handicraft and the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, granted a set of the silver plates. Many more.
Meanwhile the handicraft souvenir of an engraved-stone bowl was from the wife of the Tulungagung Regent. The note on the bowl says “kindly presented to Mrs. Tien Soeharto from Mrs. Hardjanti Poernanto”. And the famous Indonesian businessman, Sudwikatmono, presented the Johar wood (Cassia Siamea) engraved with parents outflanked by their 11children. The note on the wood which is named Membrayut work of I Ketut Modern says “Old People Believe that many children, many fortunes.”
The main room also stores the replica of the Chinese girl bed (Peraduan). It was made of the green jade-jadeite from the Yunan province, China. It is said that the bed with 2.77 meter in length, 2.14 meter in width, imitated the Chinese girl bed in the Sung Dynasty (960-1279) and the Ming Dynasty (1384-1644). The special room stores the honors once granted to Soeharto, some of which are Bintang RI Adipura I (1968), Bintang Mahaputra Adipurna (1968), and Bintang Gerilya (1965).
The honors were also from Arab Emirate Union, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore, Japan etc. Besides, the honor swords from PLO leader Yasser Arafat and the Croatian President, Franjo Tudman are also stored in the special room. Tudman presented the crystal sword. The service provided for the visitors is the four shuttle vehicles called “Jeepney”.
source: http://www.jakarta.go.id
saya baru lihat gambar ini. saya sedang cari gambar tumpeng untuk ultah anak saya yang bungsu, ga taunya ketemu KBMIH! seneng banget! saya tinggal di Onewhero, Tuakau. Saya pernah ke Hamilton dalam rangka mengikuti demo cake decorating karena saya anggota Franklin Cake Decorating Club. Kalau saja saya tau ada organisasi masyarakat Indonesia di Hamilton, saya senang bisa ketemu. Mungkin lain waktu ya.
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